A brand new chapter of my journal book. The same old story from my past life.
We lived so many lives to remember what was forgotten and create what has been lost in the transience of time. Love, hate, joy, sorrow…weaving together like tides of the ocean, carrying the human through the ups and downs. The same old analogy, told over and over again, to remind the human where they were coming from. The same old sensations, galloping through the body one after another, to make the soul feel alive again.
The soul does not want to sleep in silence. She wants to share her voice. The human was pulled to connect and be her messenger. The message is vague but the human was tasked to spend the entire lifetime searching and decoding the message. The hidden truth, one that can only be revealed by life experiences and waves of emotions, rests deeply in the ocean like a pearl in a shell.
“What is the truth? Where can I find it?” The human asked.
“Dive deep into the sea and seek with your heart. Keep your eyes closed and let the water do the job. Keep your hands and arms open. Gently touch what is coming your way and notice how you feel.”
“It’s cold and dark. The water is too deep and I don’t know where I am going. How long is this going to take? What if I die?” The human was terrified, almost bursting in tears.
“I’ve got you. Keep reaching and feeling.”
The human kept flowing and searching until the water cupped her body and lifted her up. Held by the water, she bent her arms and drifted on her back. Suddenly, something touched her hands. She gently rubbed the surface of the object. It’s warm and pulsing. She felt joy, warmth, and light.
“I found the pearl! I found the truth!” The human exclaimed with excitement. She could not wait to see the beautiful pearl and opened her eyes.
There she lies, comfortably in her bed, gazing at a sunlit bedroom ceiling with traces of tears hanging at the edge of her eyes. Her hands, gripping strongly to the “pearl”, layered on top of her heart. That’s the moment she found truth.
P.S. Everyday I keep creating interesting stories in my journal book but never publish them. I noticed that my fear and perfectionism would never finish editing my writing so I decided to let this one out anyways (in addition to the 20+ unpublished ones, resting in peace, in my Google Drive). I start to realize that I’m a half-ass artist and I’m happy doing art that way. So here is the commitment to my creative self: when the hidden jar of truth is cracked open, I will share it out in the most authentic way without worrying about how it turns out.
Time to awake more forgotten memories and let the treasure out. Stay tuned and more is coming. Thank you for reading. :)